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17 Hours ago

Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra



17 Hours ago

Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra



17 Hours ago

Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra

Saturday October 21, 2023


This topic drives me down memory lane, to the time, when I had opted for Commerce in Class XI and had outrightly rejected Humanities; assuming like many others my age, that Humanities was all about hardcore theory, theory, and more theory. But soon in Class XI, I sadly realized that Business Studies was also a Theoretical Subject (so, no escape).
Since then, this Battle of Theory vs. Practical (Subjects) has been running through my mind and today while writing this I feel, that the Time Machine has flown back to my Alma Mater, way back to my classroom in Grade XI. Even the thought of doing a Theory Subject would scare me and continued to do so throughout my academic years.
And why wouldn’t it, ‘Theory’ in yesteryears or even in the current times has always been:

  • Boring
  • Time-consuming and
  • Laborious

As I write further on ‘Theory Made Easy’, a couple of questions pop into my mind –
Is theory Difficult??? What is Difficult??? What is Easy??? What comes easy to you might be difficult for someone else and what is easy for others might be difficult for you. Therefore, the words: ‘Easy’ and ‘Difficult’ are merely relative, aren’t they?
Going by the literal meaning of Theory, it is a systematic way of understanding events, behaviors, or situations. A theory is a set of interrelated

  • Concepts
  • Definitions
  • Propositions
  • It may Predict events or situations
  • Or offer a framework for explaining observations

The words ‘Theory’ and ‘Interesting’ have been antithetic for many of us, literally the North Pole and South Pole, all our lives! But after reading the definition of THEORY I suddenly had an AHA moment!! I realized that theory can be made interesting!! (Yes! A possibility does exist!!)
My newly acquired belief says, no subject is – irksome, tiresome, or boring! What could make it boring is the way we approach it! So why blame the subject, if it’s our approach and study style as a student that is making it boring? Like we say winning and losing don’t matter, what matters is the journey and how it was traveled, similarly the subject is theoretical or non-theoretical, easy or difficult is all about the way it is approached and learned. And such is the Theory of Life., where even to approach life and give it direction, we fall back on- Theories.
The idea of learning (anything in life) is very simple. Take up topics and subjects that interest you and if you do get stuck with things that don’t interest you- simply, make them Interesting. The Golden Question:
How do we make Academics Interesting?

  • Interesting Visuals of Learning
  • Develop a Quizzing Methodology to learn
  • Outclass the traditional ways of learning
  • Short spells rather than long marathons
  • Pictorial and Diagrammatic representation of topics
  • Attempt Enough Topic
  • Sectional Tests before a complete Mock Test.
  • Channelize your energy into Preparation and Journey rather than thinking of Results

That’s my Mantra for making your Academics Interesting and Fun.
A suitable approach along with effective planning creates interest in a Subject and Innovation in the studying styles helps keep this interest going. Team ABC wishes all students, especially the ones studying in 10th and 12th, who will be appearing for Board Exams this year. May you find things that interest you or even better you find ways to make them interesting!
Signing off, the ABC way!

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